750 years of Amsterdam

The neighborhood of Sloterdijk is constantly changing and growing. This place is growing into a green and social neighborhood right before our eyes. The residents that live here now live amidst this growth. They can witness it and also alter it a little bit to their taste. We want to organize a series of projects over the upcoming two years that all cling onto this big theme of growth. They all discuss, show and contribute to the growth of the place Sloterdijk and of its residents living there. The results of these projects will be presented in a festive exhibition in the year of 2025. During this exhibition we want to celebrate growth and growing (up) together.

The team of the project: Rashel van de Schaaf, Kian Eslami and us, DAY Collective. Each participants contributes with a creative proposal. We, DAY Collective, make and host events in our studio. The monthly gatherings focus on creating connections beyond social or cultural categories. Their intention is both to create connections between people living and working in the Sloterdijk area as well as to attract new people to this area.

The first Groei en Bloei gathering — Handpan concert by Open Mike

“For me, music is an instrument to lose myself in the moment and express whatever wants to be expressed. When being totally present in the moment, it reminds the listener to do the same. This is the place where great Peace is found and where Magic comes alive. In my music, this is translated into a variety of beautiful and lively sounds: harmonious and uplifting, rhythmic or slow and flowing. Always played with great joy. My name is Open Mike and I play the Handpan.”
— Mike.

The second Groei en Bloei gathering — Concert by Fralalai