The Ritual of Embrace

It is a participatory performance. This mystical experience welcomes the primal forces such as rhythmic movement, breathing, and voicing. It starts from a dance with soft sculptures. Here, the soft sculptures serve as activators of the movement and play. Further, they serve for a ritualistic process, in which one participant at a time is covered by them. The individual and collective aspects are being reinforced. The weight of the sculptures creates an effect of safety and groundness to the one who is covered. At the same time, it invites one’s imagination to intricate, sometimes vulnerable associations. This is a point of embracing trust and surrendering to the process. Here the ritualistic collective massage begins. It’s a rhythmical pressing on the covered body of a participant by the rest of the group. It is supported by voicing and movement in the space. This act of rebirth repeats with anyone who wants to experience it.

The music composition is made by Nag Champa PL.

Here is the performance at Frijheidsmaaltijd, 2024, DAY Collective studio, supported by 4-5 Mei, AFK

The next performance is on 5 September 2024, 18:30, at Bookstore Foundation
Lambertus Zijlplein 7, 1067 JR Amsterdam