On The Way
To Wonder
What if cultivating our spirit together can save the world? We are fascinated by the embodied forms of knowledge, intuition, and the power of consciousness. They are essential to us in forming connections with ourselves, others, and the environment. We feel the urgency to explore and nourish them in the current times. The times in which polarisation resulted in another wave of planetary crisis: the split of body, mind, and soul, nature and culture, individual and collective.
The photos are from the solo exhibition at Bookstore Foundation, Amsterdam, September 2024
60 x 47 cm
On The Way To Wonder is an installation of solo intuitive drawings, soft sculptures made in duo, and a collective experience. Its is a participatory performance: The Ritual of Embrace.
42 x 59 cm
These drawings are the outcome of intuitive, meditative practice. The abstract visual forms and the colour combinations unfold in the action of drawing. There are no sketches. For us, the process of drawing is an experience of surrendering to where the drawing wants to take us while also transmitting the pleasure of this process. The soft sculptures are made in duo during ritualistic sessions in our studio.
50 x 65 cm
In the drawings the interrelation between the micro and macro cosmos manifests itself and unanticipated forms are being channeled. They are visible and imperceptible subjects of what surrounds and constitutes us. It feels like something is being born in front of our eyes and we are the first one to witness it. It is a portal to another dimension that transcends the imagination.
The soft sculptures are made in duo during ritualistic sessions in our studio. Here we tune into a full embodied presence together and allow the creative stream to move through us in a wordless dialogue. This silent dialogue include deep listening and letting go of control. In this creative ritual, one of us initiates the cut on fabric and the other responds. Responding to each other’s cut line continues till the shape is complete.
Photo by Marina Kai
The soft sculptures are made from organic textiles (cotton, hemp) and natural fillings (cherry pits, millet, buckwheat husks).
photo by Marina Kai
We are fascinated by creating from a state of relaxed focus and openness. We reach this state through diverse meditation practices such as singing mantras, interactions with nature, body movement, voicing, breathing, and the regular practice of drawing. For us, drawing is an embodied way of thinking and feeling, which we believe is reaching the deeper layers of consciousness.
50 x 65 cm
50 x 65 cm
50 x 65 cm
“In the work of Dorota and Yulia, I was particularly struck by the almost hypnotic dynamics. There’s a sense of fluffy coziness on one hand and sharp detailing on the other. I felt invited by comfort and embrace, wanting to lean against the work and hold it. At the same time, I was mesmerized by the undulating (feminine) shapes, lines, and colors where you could discover so much. From graceful organic fields to urban structures for humanity and society. My imagination was stimulated, leading me into a tingling haze...” -Rob